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I Am An Entrepreneur. What Can I Do to Protect My Intellectual Property?

Entrepreneurs are among the keenest and most driven members of the American workforce. As an entrepreneur, you most likely have a range of intellectual property that makes your business successful, and you should do everything in your power to protect that property. Please continue reading and contact a knowledgeable Orleans Parish, Louisiana intellectual property lawyer to learn more about how you can protect your sensitive and valuable IP.

Three Ways An Entrepreneur Can Protect Their Intellectual Property

There are various ways in which an entrepreneur can protect their intellectual property from infringement or theft. Of course, the steps you take to protect your IP will largely depend on the nature of your business and the types of IP you own. That said, some general tips for protecting IP as an entrepreneur are as follows:

  1. Get Your Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights Protected: No matter what you create, whether it’s designs, music, written works, inventions, logos, or otherwise, it is paramount that you secure legal protection for them. Getting your invention patented, your book copyrighted, or your logo trademarked is the first (and perhaps most important) step you can take to protect your IP.
  2. Ensure That You Draft Up Legally-Enforceable Confidentiality Agreements: If you are a business owner and in possession of certain trade secrets (i.e. ideas or strategies that make your business successful), you must ensure that anyone privy to this information is legally bound to keep it private. Drafting a legally-enforceable confidentiality agreement of some kind will prevent those who sign it from sharing this information with competitors or using it to start their own business and become a competitor of yours.
  3. Hire an Intellectual Property Lawyer: Before you take steps to protect your intellectual property, you should hire an attorney who can assess your IP, determine the best way to protect it, and, from there, fill out and submit the necessary paperwork on your behalf. An attorney can also help you draft confidentiality agreements, keep you informed on developments in your field, monitor what competitors are up to, and overall implement best practices to ensure your property is properly protected.

Ultimately, these are just some of the most important steps you can take to secure your valuable intellectual property. The steps you need to take depend, in large part, on your specific business and the specific types of intellectual property you own. If you have any additional questions or you’d like to learn more about how you can protect your intellectual property, simply contact Lemler IP today.

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