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New Orleans, Louisiana Domain Name Dispute Lawyer

Website ownership is becoming increasingly popular in today’s day and age. If you own a business of any kind, you likely have a website to go along with it. If you’re a musician or part of a musical group, you likely have a website. The list goes on. That said, your website is considered a type of intellectual property, and Lemler IP is here to protect it. Domain name disputes are far from uncommon, and if one doesn’t go your way, it can have a significant impact on your website and business. A Louisiana domain name dispute lawyer from Lemler IP is here to help protect what’s yours. Contact Lemler IP today to schedule your initial consultation.

Domain Name Dispute Lawyer | Fighting for Clients throughout Louisiana

Domain name disputes usually take one of two forms: one party objecting to your domain name, or you object to another party’s domain name. Ultimately, however, the outcome of a dispute can result in either securing a domain name or being denied the domain name and having it transferred to the ownership of another. An Orleans Parish, Louisiana intellectual property lawyer from Lemler IP is here to fight for you.

Your Options

Traditionally, when it comes to intellectual property disputes, there are two ways they will play out: either through arbitration or litigation. In most cases, arbitration is the better of the two options, but it isn’t always possible.


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers regulates domain name registry and compliance as outlined in the Uniform Domain Dispute Resolution Policy. Once an individual registers their domain name, they are required to follow all rules set forth in this policy. If they are accused of violating these rules, or believe another party has violated these rules, they may go through arbitration, wherein both parties will seek/oppose the ownership of a given domain. Arbitration is often an expedited and less costly process than litigation, and will conclude either with the cancelation or transfer of a given domain name.


In most cases, domain name litigation occurs in federal court. You can go through litigation either prior to, during, or after arbitration has concluded. You are allowed to bring various claims during the litigation process, but it’s best to first consult with a competent domain name dispute lawyer before beginning. Lemler IP is here to help you get the results you need in the fastest, most efficient way possible.

Contact a Domain Name Dispute Lawyer Today

The bottom line is that if you’re facing a domain name dispute of any kind, you’d be best served with a seasoned domain name dispute lawyer in your corner. Lemler IP has fought on behalf of clients here in Orleans Parish and throughout Louisiana for years, and Lemler IP is prepared to fight for you as well. Contact Lemler IP today to schedule your initial consultation.

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